By the Community, for the Community

 Holistic transformation of lives and livelihoods through proactive social economic inclusion, integration, and empowerment of rural India.


By the Community, for the Community

 Holistic transformation of lives and livelihoods through proactive social economic inclusion, integration, and empowerment of rural India.

The MGMP Dream

Co-creating measurable, scalable and sustainable solutions by leveraging technology to accelerate impact.

To positively impact 5 million lives over 3 years, in alignment with SDGs, by combining insights, innovation and execution to deliver impact by focusing on issues such as Women's Empowerment; Education; Skilling, Employment and Entrepreneurship support and Financial Inclusion.

Building catalytic partnerships and alliances to develop a large and growing ecosystem for driving positive social change and impact.

The Need For Village Development

  • Fragmented village development interventions
  • Average household income in India is approximately $1,67,833 per annum 
  • Around 27% of India’s population is financially literate
  • Less than 20% of women in Indian villages have access to sanitary napkins
  • 82% of farmers are still small and marginal
  • Workforce participation of Indian women – reduced to 25.1% in 2021

The Need For Village Development

  • Fragmented village development interventions
  • Average household income in India is approximately $1,67,833 per annum 
  • Around 27% of India’s population is financially literate
  • Less than 20% of women in Indian villages have access to sanitary napkins
  • 82% of farmers are still small and marginal
  • Workforce participation of Indian women – reduced to 25.1% in 2021

Integrating 5 Aspects In A Village For A Better,
sustainable and Inclusive Ecosystem

Economic Growth

Digital Inclusion

Access to Health Services

Access to Quality Education

Skilling for Employment

Economic Growth

Digital Inclusion

Access to Health Services

Access to Quality Education

Skilling for Employment

Integrating 5 Aspects In A Village For A Better,
sustainable and Inclusive Ecosystem

Economic Growth

Digital Inclusion

Access to Health Services

Access to Quality Education

Skilling for Employment

Integrating 5 Aspects In A Village For A Better,
sustainable and Inclusive Ecosystem

Digital Inclusion

Economic Growth

Access to Health Services

Access to Quality Education

Skilling for Employment

The SAMHITA-CGF CSC Partnership

Common Service Centres (CSCs) are IT enabled front-end delivery access points for Government, private and social sector services to rural citizens of India in an integrated and seamless manner. Through our collaboration with CSCs, Samhita-CGF can:

  • Strengthen the village ecosystem
  • Leverage community participation
  • Enable growth and holistic development

With scalability as our compass, we’re expanding across 6,00,000 CSCs, establishing a sturdy foundation, fostering an enterprise ecosystem, and unlocking opportunities for the VLEs.

Partnering With Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs)

CSCs work closely with Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs), who are primary delivery agents for delivery of government schemes. This helps us in creating self-sufficient, empowered, and resilient communities to sustain and expand the impact in the long run.

  • Community Connect
  • Leveraging Experience knowledge and Skills
  • Infrastructure & sharing resources
  • Institutional Connect

Partnering With Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs)

CSCs work closely with Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs), who are primary delivery agents for delivery of government schemes. This helps us in creating self-sufficient, empowered, and resilient communities to sustain and expand the impact in the long run.

  • Community Connect
  • Leveraging Experience knowledge and Skills
  • Infrastructure & sharing resources
  • Institutional Connect

What Sets MGMP Apart?

Multiple coordinated interventions

Multi-Year Model with step-change impact

Community-prioritised interventions

Tech-enabled impact tracking

Our Interventions And Partners

We are enabling rural Indian talent with quality affordable IT skills for equal opportunities in a digitized world.

We are enabling rural Indian talent with quality affordable IT skills for equal opportunities in a digitized world.

Reasons to Collaborate with MGMP

MGMP qualifies as a flagship program

Supports the target groups prioritised by your organisation

Innovative model driving step-change impact


    MGMP in the News: Media Coverage

    What Our Partners Have to Say​


    Hard-working informal sector workers, entrepreneurs and businesses were hit by the covid-19 crisis and lockdowns. They required working capital to aid their recovery but they:

    • Lost means to income
    • Lost savings
    • Can’t avail formal credit due to lacking financial footprint

    Started as a response to the COVID-19 induced livelihood crisis, REVIVE aims to aid economic recovery of the informal sector. Due to the recurrent nature of the pandemic, REVIVE has evolved to include additional support interventions that build the resilience of beneficiaries to enable comprehensive growth despite any future crisis.

    Since October 2021, REVIVE has reached the families and communities of over 84,000 individuals, and is on its way to positively impacting 200,000 deserving individuals