We are Samhita-CGs

We are

Compliance-driven CSR → Strategic CSR → Catalytic CSR

CSR has evolved from Strategic to Catalytic, going from enabling a business to achieve the maximum economic and social potential of every unit of funds spent, to bringing about long term, sustainable, fundamental social transformation. However, great change can only be accomplished through large scale collaborations and networks.​

Empowering Positive Impact
Samhita-CGF is an impact catalyst that works with the private, public, philanthropy and social sectors, in alignment with UNSGDs, with a mission statement to positively impact 10 million lives, 50% of which will be women, by co-creating measurable, scalable and sustainable solutions that are CSR and FCRA compliant. 
Empowering Positive Impact
Samhita-CGF is an impact catalyst that works with the private, public, philanthropy and social sectors, in alignment with UNSGDs, with a mission statement to positively impact 10 million lives, 50% of which will be women, by co-creating measurable, scalable and sustainable solutions that are CSR and FCRA compliant. 

Guiding Principles

Access to Finance
for Skilling

Provide financial support including RGs, loans backed by credit guarantee etc. to integrate women participants into the formal banking sector.

Skilling for sustained labor force participation

Provide regular up/re-skilling support to ensure long term retention and career progression and support the evolving ambitions of women to support entrepreneurship.​

Technology to accelerate and sustain impact

Use technology to onboard, track and manage the women's economic progression lifecycle​.

Create public goods for the good of everyone

Produce public goods such as pre-credit score that build confidence in ecosystem players to lend to first time women borrowers.

One individual, multiple interventions

Aim to provide multiple interventions to each individual throughout their career lifecycle including skill-based training, access to finance and workplace support​.

Guiding Principles

The Samhita-CGF Advantage

Taking responsibility for impact

We provide effective tech-enabled Solutions for project implementation & impact evaluation through participant level tracking over 6 years.

Co-creating initiatives that you care about

We develop human-centric designs by co-creating solutions and initiatives in collaboration with various institutions, leveraging their expertise and knowledge.

Highly collaborative and catalytic networks

As resources are scarce, we invest in markets, technologies, knowledge, large networks, government partnerships. And focus on scale.

Taking responsibility for impact

We provide effective tech-enabled Solutions for project implementation & impact evaluation through participant level tracking over 6 years.

Co-creating initiatives that you care about

We develop human-centric designs by co-creating solutions and initiatives in collaboration with various institutions, leveraging their expertise and knowledge.

Highly collaborative and catalytic networks

As resources are scarce, we invest in markets, technologies, knowledge, large networks, government partnerships. And focus on scale.

Customised Impact

We identify and work with aspiring participants with high ownership & accountability to drive efficiency and impact.

Compliance Plus

We have obtained opinion from KPMG and Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy (CAP) on compliance with CSR & FCRA regulations.

Sector knowledge for businesses

We ensure our initiatives are guided by the best available knowledge and expertise in the sector.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)

  • Capturing and responding to the evolving need of participants on a regular basis 
  • Micro-and macro view on participant profiles 
  • Intelligent mapping of  instruments and programs to participants
  • Multi-year tracking to understand participant's emerging needs
  • Long term impact analysis 
  • 2-way communication and feedback for iterative improvement in service delivery and engagement experience
  • Social impact measurement  at multiple levels 
  • Co-creating business metrics for each stakeholder
  • Engagement matrix for capturing platform network effect, graduation and adoption
  • Sharing the learnings across stakeholders
  • Adopting an economic empowerment lens for measuring the overall success
  • Using economic empowerment indicators as a standard matrix of success across cohorts and interventions
  • Understand efficacy of different financial models/ approaches
  • Test single model vs blended model
  • Testing effectiveness of various behaviour & communication nudges to improve adoption & efficacy
  • Developing a systems approach & data-driven mindset within the organization
  • Real-time insights generation and dissemination to improve decision making & program implementation

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)

  • Capturing and responding to the evolving need of participants on a regular basis
  • Micro-and macro view on participant profiles
  • Intelligent mapping of  instruments and programs to participants
  • Multi-year tracking to understand participant’s emerging needs
  • Long term impact analysis
  • 2-way communication and feedback for iterative improvement in service delivery and engagement experience
  • Social impact measurement  at multiple levels
  • Co-creating business metrics for each stakeholder
  • Engagement matrix for capturing platform network effect, graduation and adoption
  • Sharing the learnings across stakeholders
  • Adopting an economic empowerment lens for measuring the overall success
    • Using economic empowerment indicators as a standard matrix of success across cohorts and interventions
  • Understand efficacy of different financial models/ approaches
  • Test single model vs blended model
  • Testing effectiveness of various behaviour & communication nudges to improve adoption & efficacy
  • Developing systems approach & data-driven mindset within the organization
  • Real time insights generation and dissemination to improve decision making & program implementation
  • Capturing and responding to the evolving need of participants on a regular basis
  • Micro-and macro view on participant profiles
  • Intelligent mapping of  instruments and programs to participants
  • Multi-year tracking to understand participant’s emerging needs
  • Long term impact analysis
  • 2-way communication and feedback for iterative improvement in service delivery and engagement experience
  • Social impact measurement  at multiple levels
  • Co-creating business metrics for each stakeholder
  • Engagement matrix for capturing platform network effect, graduation and adoption
  • Sharing the learnings across stakeholders
  • Adopting an economic empowerment lens for measuring the overall success
    • Using economic empowerment indicators as a standard matrix of success across cohorts and interventions
  • Understand efficacy of different financial models/ approaches
  • Test single model vs blended model
  • Testing effectiveness of various behaviour & communication nudges to improve adoption & efficacy
  • Developing systems approach & data-driven mindset within the organization
  • Real time insights generation and dissemination to improve decision making & program implementation

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)

  • Capturing and responding to the evolving need of participants on a regular basis 
  • Micro-and macro view on participant profiles 
  • Intelligent mapping of  instruments and programs to participants
  • Multi-year tracking to understand participant's emerging needs
  • Long term impact analysis 
  • 2-way communication and feedback for iterative improvement in service delivery and engagement experience
  • Social impact measurement  at multiple levels 
  • Co-creating business metrics for each stakeholder
  • Engagement matrix for capturing platform network effect, graduation and adoption
  • Sharing the learnings across stakeholders
  • Adopting an economic empowerment lens for measuring the overall success
  • Using economic empowerment indicators as a standard matrix of success across cohorts and interventions
  • Understand efficacy of different financial models/ approaches
  • Test single model vs blended model
  • Testing effectiveness of various behaviour & communication nudges to improve adoption & efficacy
  • Developing a systems approach & data-driven mindset within the organization
  • Real-time insights generation and dissemination to improve decision making & program implementation

The Technology Powering MEL

Aligned with the UN’s SDG Statement

The Collective Good Foundation

Collective Good Foundation (CGF) is the not-for-profit arm of Samhita.

Samhita and CGF work in a cohesive partnership to marry corporate purpose with effective ground impact through a 360 degree solutions framework.

While Samhita is leading dialogue from policy corridors and boardrooms to the center point of action; CGF, is catalyzing change by building pathways for partners towards sustainable philanthropy.

The Collective Good Foundation

Collective Good Foundation (CGF) is the not-for-profit arm of Samhita.
Samhita and CGF work in a cohesive partnership to marry corporate purpose with effective ground impact through a 360 degree solutions framework.
While Samhita is leading dialogue from policy corridors and boardrooms to the center point of action; CGF, is catalyzing change by building pathways for partners towards sustainable philanthropy.

Advisory Board​



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